Frontline is a collective of like-hearted lovers of Jesus who are ready to take the "church" outside of the walls. If you are a believer who is ready to see God move in miraculous ways in your everyday life, then join FRONTLINE.
We are a community dedicated to equipping, discipling, mentoring, training and activating the body of Christ to reach the lost for Jesus.
Latoya Lackey, of Latoya Lackey Ministries, is the founder of FRONTLINE but you will see many faces and ministries in this community. Latoya believes that for the body to operate as Jesus intended, we must lock arms and allow our gifts to serve one another. The days of traditional "pulpit ministry" are over. No more rock star preachers! It's time for the body of Christ to rise up and take to the FRONTLINEs. This ministry has been birthed in prayer and through years of preparation in the "wilderness". Latoya's heart is to equip and empower Christians to step out and see God move in their daily lives. We are meant to advance the kingdom of God forward by being his hands and feet in this world.
She and her husband, Chris, work hand in hand in ministry and live outside Nashville, TN.
Example Curriculum
- Lesson One - God's Plan for My Life (43:07)
- Kingdom Foundations Lesson Two (30:59)
- Kingdom Foundations Lesson Three (32:53)
- Leeson Four - The Garden (44:12)
- Lesson Five - Righteousness (23:50)
- Lesson Six Part One - Sin (30:05)
- Lesson Six Part Two - Repentance and Confession (34:34)
- Lesson Seven - Sonship (35:11)
- Lesson Eight - Living by the Spirit (25:46)
- Kingdom Identity Lesson 1 - Christ and Latoya Lackey (70:17)
- Kingdom Identity - Lesson 2 Chris and Latoya (RIGHTEOUSNESS and SIN) (67:26)
- Kingdom Identity Lesson 3 Repentance and confession (68:48)
- Kingdom Identity Lesson 4 Sonship (74:50)
- Kingdom Identity - The Lord's Prayer (71:38)
- Kingdom Identity - Living by the Spirit (75:17)
- Kingdom Identity - Greasy Grace (73:49)
- Kingdom Identity - Maturing in the Lord - Acts 8 (72:10)
- Kingdom Identity - Power of the Holy Spirit in our lives (62:10)
- 1 Peter 1 1.8.24 (64:17)
- 1 Peter 2 1.18.24 (71:26)
- Can we live a sinless life 11.16.23 (69:08)
- Luke 15 Lost Sheep coin son 11.30 (69:29)
- Marriage 12.14.23 (74:04)
- Marriage part two 12.21.23 (60:09)
- Rest in Him 10.26.23 (69:20)
- The power of your voice 11.9.23 (69:41)
- Self Sabotage (19:00)
- Core Beliefs (64:53)
- Sin Repentance Righteousness 2.23.23 (67:14)
- We ARE LIGHT 3.2.23 (62:38)
- Maturity in conflict in the body 3.9.23 (58:37)
- Galatians 1-3 Freedom in Christ 3.21.23 (71:29)
- Galatians 4-6 with Chris and Latoya 3.30.23 (72:59)
- Galatians "expel Ishmael from the camp" with Chris and Latoya 4.4.23 (67:39)
- God is Love 4.11.23 (36:17)
- Retreat Recap and Testimonies 4.13.23 (75:12)
- Emotions 4.18.23 (56:18)
- Room to Grow in Your Gifts 4.20.23 (24:47)
- Kenya - Unlocking The Apocalyptic and Prophetic 5.08.23 (73:22)
- Obsession - His for me and mine for him (59:48)
- Prayer Engages Heaven - Latoya Lackey 8.14.23 (81:15)
- Unity in the body Latoya Lackey 8.30.23 (68:44)
- Talking to God 9.19.23 (33:46)
- We are FRONTLINE - Discipleship, who are we, mentoring (87:18)
- Rest (75:39)
- Declarations and Breakthroughs 11.20.23 (54:17)
- Hey Jude 12.4.23 (65:46)
- Maintaining your freedom 10.30.23 (74:19)
- Moses and the Rock 11.27.23 (62:02)
- Prophetic words and Declarations 11.13.23 (64:53)
- Virtual Christmas party and end of year report 12.11.23 (66:09)
- Deliverance 2.21.23 - The heart of the matter (64:29)
- Forgiveness Workbook (part one pgs. 1-13, part two pgs. 14-21, aftercare pgs. 22-32)
- Forgiveness Part One Teaching (60:03)
- Forgiveness Part Two Teaching (57:06)
- Deliverance in the Nations - Amy Elizabeth Taylor 3.14.23 (74:04)
- Ministering in Deliverance 3.28.23 (48:11)
- Tai Locke
- The Glory of God with Amy Elizabeth Taylor 3.16.23 (88:45)
- Frontline & Friends Interview w/ Pastor Taisha Locke 3.23.23 (58:55)
- The Heart of the Father with Aaron Yarnell 5.04.23 (92:58)
- Prayer Mapping with Darla Ryden 05.25.23 (118:43)
- Words of Knowledge and Operating in Gifts with Aaron Yarnell 06.01.23 (114:28)
- The Flow of the Lord's Current with Aaron Yarnell 07.06.23 (93:51)
- Kingdom Call - Marketplace Ministry Jeremy and Emily Bell (79:33)
- Kingdom Call - Leadership in the Kingdom Mark and Patricia Douglas (67:15)
- Kingdom Call - Marketplace Ministry Mark and Diane Janbakhsh (64:55)
- Aaron Yarnell 8.3.23 (96:26)
- Teresa and Andre Stewart 8.21.23 (62:51)
- Amy Elizabeth Taylor 8.28.23 Glory of the Lord (66:35)
- Aaron Yarnell 9.7.23 (95:12)
- Eric Dykes 9.11.23 (126:18)
- Trish Wright 9.18.23 (51:01)
- Aaron Yarnell 10.5.23 (99:55)
- Gospel of the Kingdom Chapter 1-2 (91:39)
- Gospel of the Kingdom Chapter 3 (72:29)
- Gospel of the Kingdom chapter 4 (66:44)
- Gospel of the Kingdom chapter 5 (63:48)
- Gospel of the Kingdom Chapter 6 (61:21)
- Gospel of the Kingdom Chapter 7 (64:13)
- Gospel of the Kingdom Chapter 8 (74:08)
- Gospel of the Kingdom Chapter 9 (73:23)
- Gospel of the Kingdom Chapters 10 and 11 (76:01)